171,78 €
Tasse incluse

  • Politiche per la sicurezza (modificale con il modulo Rassicurazioni cliente) Politiche per la sicurezza (modificale con il modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
  • Politiche per le spedizioni (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente) Politiche per le spedizioni (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente)
  • Politiche per i resi merce (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente) Politiche per i resi merce (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente)



Trattasi si prodotti usati, generalmente giunti a fine noleggio o leasing, prelevati e ricondizionati individualmente da aziende specializzate del settore.

Perfettamente testati, funzionanti, puliti e con 3 cicli di test hardware. 

Se presente il sistema operativo è sempre da intendersi come installato e con relativo sticker licenza


Non inclusi, salvo espressamente specificato nel titolo


I dischi rigidi, sia meccanici che a stato solido sono pienamente funzionanti, ovviamente non si garantiscono settori cluster riallocati dal sistema operativo a causa di errati spegnimenti della macchina che non inficiano quindi in alcun modo sul regolare funzionamento della macchina e del disco stesso.

Sui server e workstation con dischi sas o scsi ecc si garantiscono per 30gg


La garanzia è ovviamente limitata trattandosi di un prodotto usato ricondizionato a 1 mese, 3 o 6 mesi o comunque in base a quanto specificato nel titolo, tipo gar@6mesi o gar@3mesi.

Per i dischi rigidi, sia meccanici che a stato solido sono pienamente funzionanti, ovviamente non si garantiscono settori cluster riallocati dal sistema operativo a causa di errati spegnimenti della macchina che non inficiano quindi in alcun modo sul regolare funzionamento della macchina e del disco stesso.


Se non specificato alcun grado, si intende che il prodotto è di grado A, ossia con lievi segni di usura e senza alcun danno estetico o funzionale.

Grado B, si intende che il prodotto può avere qualche segno fisico ed estetico dovuto allusura del prodotto ma nessun danno funzionale

Grado C, si intende che il prodotto, oltre ad avere evidenti segni di usura può aver danni estetici e funzionali, tipo macchie su case danneggiati o urtati, porte mancanti ecc.

La seguente descrizione con relative specifiche sono da considerarsi relative al nuovo:


PC DELL Optiplex 3010 SFF Intel I3-3220 4GB 500GB DVD 

La forza lavoro può trarre ispirazione da Dell OptiPlex 3010, concepito per una produttività essenziale, cicli di vita stabili e controllo dell'IT semplificato.


Smart productivity

Operating system
Available with Windows 7 Pro

Work efficiently with the OptiPlex 3010 desktop, featuring essential performance, flexibility and connectivity to help your organization succeed.

Achieve high performance
Harness up to Intel Core i3 and i5 processor options including Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0, ample storage, Intel HD graphics and high-bandwidth memory of the OptiPlex 3010.

Experience workplace convenience and versatility 
Work comfortably with a system that enables you to customize your workspace with intuitive design, multiple display options and flexible configurations for your peripherals.

Easy collaboration promotes success
Collaborate and share data through VoIP and Microsoft Unified Communication certifications.



Business-class control

Effective management of your office environment is within reach. The OptiPlex 3010 enables IT administrators to take total control over system management and security protocols, and offers the stability needed to effectively plan for the future.

Efficiently manage your desktop fleet.
Achieve unprecedented IT control in your workplace. In-band management, image sharing between desktops and Dells System Center Configuration Manager help increase IT efficiency.

Ensure data security across your organization.
Help protect your critical data and meet compliance standards with Dell Data Protection - Encryption* and other security features.

Enjoy the peace of mind provided by business-class stability and support.
As your business grows, hardware stability and support are the key to budget management and forecasting long-term needs. Help IT focus on the most important projects with Dell ProSupport and Dell Deployment Services.

Inspired design.

Built to last and designed to fit your workspace, Dell OptiPlex desktops offer durability and style.

Built to last.
Your business requires a desktop that can handle the tough jobs. Ensure long-term reliability with durable, serviceable Dell OptiPlex desktops.

The right fit for your desk.
Dell OptiPlex systems are designed to integrate seamlessly into any office environment, on virtually any size desk, and with a consistent look across all models.

Designed to help preserve the environment.
Help minimize energy consumption and encourage conservation with the ENERGY STAR 5.2 compliant OptiPlex desktops, featuring highly efficient power supply options and environmentally conscious design features.


Customization and Set-Up 

Deployment Services 
Our end-to-end deployment services are designed to simplify and accelerate the customization and utilization of your new systems. Dell Deployment Services include everything from order consolidation to coordination of deployment resources.

Managed Deployment 
Dell Managed Deployment Services are for customers who need a complete, end-to-end deployment solution. Managed deployments are useful within complex logistical environments which require a single point of contact.

Hardware Customization (CFI) 
Dell offers hardware customization services to help accelerate your system deployments. We can perform a range of services such as custom configuration, consolidation, and integration in our factory so that you can deploy your systems right out of the box.

ImageDirect is a web-based, hosted image management service that enables customers to easily create, manage, and load custom images for Dell commercial client systems.

Advanced Configuration Services 
With Advanced Configuration Services (ACS), you can save time and resources by selecting various settings during the purchase process. You can choose to partition your hard drive; select boot order; change BIOS settings; and modify various standard software configuration settings.

Asset Recovery Services 

Asset Recovery Services 
Asset Recovery Services offers safe and environmentally-appropriate disposal solutions for outdated or end-of-life IT assets. This service includes transportation, flexible logistics, equipment processing, detailed data security and environmental reports at an affordable price


Integrated solutions
With every OptiPlex desktop comes the possibility of greater back-end client control through a range of Dell solutions and services.


Dell Data Protection¦Encryption

Help protect data on hard drives and removable media across your network through encryption and strong authentication.

Simplify end-point data security with a single solution designed for system disks and removable media.

Monitor client security remotely.

Easy compliance management and auditing: Features one touch-compliance policy templates, remote management and quick system recovery.

Speed deployment with one-touch preset compliance policy templates.

Deny access to unauthorized users in the event of loss or theft.

Dell Systems Management 

From Dell KACE appliances to software management services like System Center Configuration Manager, weve made it easier than ever to manage large fleets of OptiPlex desktops.

Automate everyday management tasks with tools and utilities.

Manage multiple devices from a single console.

Accelerate deployment processes.

Monitor the status and health of systems, perform hardware inventory, update drivers and monitor power usage remotely.

Automate updates and inventory tracking with a KACE appliance.

Learn More

Dell Desktop Virtualization 
Combining purpose-built hardware, software and services, Dell Desktop Virtualization Solutions centralize IT control, giving you access virtually anytime and anywhere.

Access your desktop through the cloud using your laptop, tablet or smart phone.

Simplify your organizations backup, restore, encryption and email management duties.

Decide how much control you want Dell can build your solution and manage it for you, or you can manage desktop virtualization yourself.




Intel Core i3-3220 3.30Ghz CPU

4GB DDR3 Memory

500GB SATA Drive


Integrated 10/100/1000 Network Card (NIC)

USB 2.0 Ports

HDMI Out Port

Integrated Video

Integrated Audio (AC97)

1 Serial Port & 1 Parallel Port

Windows 10 Professional Pre-installed

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